FEI Vaccine Update February 2025

February 11, 2025

FEI vaccinations have changed! As of 3rd February 2025, Equine Influenza vaccinations for all horses competing under FEI guidelines must be recorded on the FEI HorseApp as well as in the horse’s passport.

What will happen at your next vaccination?

On the day of the vaccination, information from the vaccine administered to your horse will be recorded by the veterinarian on both your horse’s passport and the FEI app. A photograph of your horse may be taken to confirm identification. A photo of the vaccination page of your horse’s passport will also be recorded in the app.

Historic vaccinations can be submitted by either the horse owner or veterinarian. Information on how to add vaccines to the FEI HorseApp can be found here. Only Equine Influenza vaccinations need to be recorded on the app. All other vaccinations only need to be recorded in your horse’s passport.

To help us to get your FEI details recorded swiftly. Please make sure you follow these steps for your next vaccine appointment:

  • Have the horse’s passport available
  • Remove your horse’s rug as it may be necessary for us to photograph your horse to confirm identification
  • Record your horse’s previous vaccinations in the HorseApp prior to your next vaccine appointment

What happens next?

All vaccines entered on the FEI HorseApp will be verified to ensure the accuracy of the data inputted.

Automatic vaccine reminder notifications will be sent to the horse owner via the app to reduce the risk of a lapse in vaccinations.

What will happen when you attend your next FEI event?

At events, the FEI Official Veterinarians will be able to see your horse’s vaccination status on the FEI HorseApp at the same time that they verify the Horse Health Requirements.

What are the Equine Influenza Requirements for FEI competitions?

The regulations vary depending on when your horse had the primary vaccination course (first 3 vaccinations).

Primary course requirements if administered BEFORE January 2024:
1st vaccination —21-92 days—> 2nd vaccination —150-215 days—>3rd vaccination

Primary course requirements if administered AFTER January 2024:
1st vaccination —21-60 days—> 2nd vaccination —120-180 days—> 3rd vaccination

Following the primary course, annual vaccination must be administered at an interval no greater than 12 months from the previous vaccination. The most recent vaccination for a horse attending an FEI event, should be between 7 days – 6 months 21 days prior to competing. Therefore, we recommend for all horse’s regularly attending FEI events to be vaccinated every 6 months to ensure these regulations are met.

Where can you get more information on this change?

  • To download the FEI HorseApp click here
  • For more information on how to use the FEI HorseApp click here

If you have any questions or are concerned about your horses vaccine record – please contact our friendly team who will be happy to assist you.


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