News & Advice
What is Acupuncture? According to The Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists (ABVA), acupuncture has evolved from the ancient art of placing needles into special locations on the body to alleviate pain, improve recovery rates and increase resistance to disease. It has been practiced by the Chinese and other Eastern cultures for thousands of years and […]
Would Your Cat Love a Catio?
Veterinary nurses at Towcester Vets have the purrrfect solution to giving your cat outdoor space whilst keeping them safe.
Biosecurity Top Tips
AT HOME KEEP YOUR ENVIRONMENT CLEAN This will help in both preventing infection and when managing an infectious disease outbreak. Faecal material and bedding should be removed from surfaces. Walls, floors and high contact areas such as stable bolts should be wiped down or washed with a detergent to remove dirt, grease and organic matter; […]
Towcester Vets’ Tasty Dog Treats to Beat the Heat!
There’s no better summer snack than a tasty frozen treat, especially when temperatures are high. Try these ideas!
Discover Your Perfect Match – Take the Dog Compatibility Quiz!
This fun quiz from Towcester Vets will help you discover how compatible you are with your dog, or another breed.
Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS)
Is your horse struggling to lose weight this summer? Equine Metabolic Syndrome, known as EMS, could be one reason why slimming down seems an impossible task for your equine. Here is some helpful information on EMS and why it is important to manage. What is EMS? ‘EMS’ or Equine Metabolic Syndrome is a hormonal condition […]
Sheep Fertility Summary
Thank you to everyone who joined us on 10th June for our sheep fertility meeting, where we discussed ram preparation, teasers and ewe synchronisation with the team from Zoetis. Advance planning for tupping is key – purchasing new rams early to allow them to settle in prior to breeding; performing the 5 T’s ram MOT […]
Disposal of Sharps
We are pleased to finally be able to offer disposal of sharps and medicine bins! Bins for both can be purchased from us in a range of sizes and the sale price will include the cost of disposal. Sharps bins are available in sizes from 1L. The vets carry 5L or 7L bins so please […]
New SFI Animal Health and Welfare Pathway Opportunities
Over the past 18 months, many farmers have been benefiting from the Animal Health and Welfare Review. Further support is now available to help reduce the levels of endemic disease in livestock. The initial review involves a vet visiting your farm to put together a health plan with a focus on improving health and welfare, […]
Trick Training for Dogs, Cats and Rabbits with Towcester Vets
Did you know that it’s not only dogs who can learn tricks? Enrich your cat or rabbit’s playtime too with these fun tricks.