Rabbits & Small Furries

Breeding guinea pigs safely – why age matters

August 21st, 2021

The team at Towcester Veterinary Centre can advise you when to breed your guinea pig for the first time to avoid tragedy.

Use Towcester Veterinary Centre’s list to beat the Guinea Pig Holiday Blues

July 21st, 2021

Knowing what care your guinea pig needs when you’re away can help them beat the holiday blues. Read our advice.

Try these rabbit enrichment tips from Towcester Veterinary Centre

May 21st, 2021

You can enrich your rabbit’s life after lockdown with the right care and a few simple adjustments at home. Check out our team’s top tips.

Test yourself on the signs and symptoms of rabbit arthritis

October 7th, 2020

Helen has created a clever quiz to help you spot the signs & symptoms of arthritis to look out for in your rabbit.

Head nurse Katy Kirkham has some dark night poison advice for pet owners

September 21st, 2020

Are you aware of the dark night poisons to watch out for when it comes to your pet? Get clued-up and stay safe with our advice.

Holiday care for small mammals in Towcester

August 7th, 2020

Getting holiday care for small furries can be tricky. Read our advice and leave plenty of time to prepare, before you leave.

Ensure your rabbit gets the most from its next vet visit by following our easy tips

July 21st, 2020

Summer tips for a rabbit’s trip to the vet.

Preparing your cat or rabbit for surgery

July 7th, 2020

Preparing your pet for surgery & other summer advice.

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