Preparing your cat or rabbit for surgery

July 7, 2020

No matter what the operation is, understanding what to expect and how you can prepare will make the whole thing a lot less stressful for you and your pet.

Read our four-point guide for a little advice and reassurance. If you’re worried or have questions we’re here to help at any point.

Call us if you have questions

Before surgery

We’ll be checking your pet’s overall suitability for surgery by asking you questions about their current health & recent medical history. We’ll weigh them, check them and talk you through any risks with the operation.

We’ll talk to you about what to feed them the day before and the morning of the operation. In broad terms; cats should not be fed after midnight before the operation, but rabbits can be fed as normal. We’ll confirm any specific feeding advice for your pet’s op.

On the day

We’ll answer any last minute questions, then after you drop them off, we’ll prepare them for surgery and may give medication for any pain or anxiety. They may have some fur shaved and a drip inserted to allow us to administer medication, then, once prepared they’ll be taken to our operating theatre.

After the operation

After the procedure your pet will be moved to our recovery ward and may be given additional pain relief. As they come round, Katy and the nursing team will give them a bit of love and company and we’ll call you to let you know how it went.

When they get home

Given they have just gone through surgery you’ll want to leave them to their own devices for a day or so whilst you keep a close eye on them.

Make sure they have somewhere quiet to retreat to and keep them as calm as you can. Keep an eye on what they are eating and call us for further advice if their appetite does not return after a day or so. You can often get rabbits eating again by offering soft fruit as treats and if you heat cat’s food that can help them get their appetite back.

Your pet may need to wear a collar to keep them away from any stitches and you may need to help by distracting them. Other than that, please make sure you administer medication on time, check them daily for any unusual signs and try not to miss follow up appointments.

If you notice anything unusual or have any concerns as their recovery progresses, please don’t hesitate to call us for a little help or reassurance.

Call us if you have questions

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