January 12, 2022

We are delighted to confirm that the TB Advisory Service is back in action with a new round of funding for on farm advice visits. Katie G, Nikki, and newly TBAS trained Katie P will be available for FREE visits to help pinpoint the best ways to prevent TB impacting your business.

For the first time TBAS visits will be open to all species affected by TB but will continue to focus on the 5 main control points:

  1. Restrict contact with badgers
  2. Manage feed and water to prevent contamination
  3. Stop infected animals entering the farm
  4. Reduce the risk from neighbouring stock
  5. Minimise the risk from slurry

The TBAS ethos, one which we fully support, is that TB is an infectious disease and risk can and should be managed in the same way as with any other disease – every farm is capable of making changes that will improve resilience to TB.

If you are interested in a visit, then please get in touch.

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