Towcester Vets shares 7 summer dangers dogs should avoid
July 7, 2022
We might seem like the ‘fun police’ when we say this, but did you know there are many summer dangers lurking in the great outdoors when you have dogs? The nursing team at Towcester Vets have created this guide on heatstroke, burns, lungworm, poisons, accidents, GDV, and stings to help Northamptonshire dog owners enjoy a safe summer with their pets.
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Summer Dog Dangers Guide
1. Heatstroke
Heatstroke is extremely common and can become life-threatening very quickly. Causes of heatstroke in dogs include spending too much time in the sun, exercising too much in the heat (includes walking), being stuck in a parked car or another sun trap, left without access to shade and water, and a cooling coat that has dried out. You can avoid heatstroke in dogs by avoiding these situations.
Symptoms of heatstroke in dogs include: laboured panting, dull gums (not bright pink if they are usually), drooling, lethargy, and seizures.
If your dog displays any of the above symptoms call your Vet right away. In the meantime, remove your dog from the heat source and cool them down using tepid (not cold) water on their coat and a cool air fan, and give them a drink.
2. Burnt paws
Dogs can easily burn their paws by walking on surfaces that are too hot – tarmac, paving stones, and concrete especially can get hot enough to burn in the summer sun. The nursing team at Towcester Vets have a quick & easy way for you to tell if it is too hot. Put your hand on the surface for 5 seconds and if it is too hot for you, it is too hot for your dog.
3. Bloat/GDV
Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) or Bloat is a life-threatening condition that can occur when dogs do rigorous exercise too close to a large meal – it can happen to any dog but is more common in larger and taller breeds with big chest cavities. Bloat can also happen any time of the year, but is one to be aware of if you are planning some extra fun and games this season. Reduce the risk by leaving 1 hour before and 2 hours after exercise for big meals.
4. Lungworm
Left untreated, a lungworm infection can be fatal. Lungworm is spread through the slime of infected slugs and snails. Dogs typically become infected by eating these creatures or by coming into contact with contaminated dog bowls, toys, and beds that have usually been left outside. Thankfully, lungworm can be prevented through regular worming treatments.
5. Poisons & harmful items
Besides fun & rain, a British Summer can mean gardens awash with poisonous plants & pesticides, vegetable patches growing onions & garlic, fallen fruit with pips & stones, harmful leftovers from BBQs & picnics, rotting food in compost heaps, and access to poisons through open sheds & garages.
Towcester Vet’s nursing team recommend that owners should be extra vigilant when it comes to summer pet poisons and either remove them or prevent access. If you have any suspicions that your dog has dabbled, do not delay – call your Vet for emergency advice.
6. Accidents
Can you avoid accidents? Some, yes, by thinking ahead. Our Nurses suggest walking around your garden to try and spot as many potential accidents ‘waiting to happen’, and create a to-do-list – e.g. “remove broken glass from behind shed” and “fix hole in fence”.
You can think ahead when you are out with your dog too; look at roads, parked cars, potential escape routes, bodies of water, and the activities of nearby people. Just by being consciously aware of your surroundings you can avoid many problems.
7. Insect stings & animal bites
With the great outdoors comes many biting & stinging insects, and the odd snake. Keep an eye on your dog as they investigate nose-first and have a first aid kit and your vet’s number at the ready.
You can also help your dog have a safe and happy summer by:
- Always having water and a bowl with you
- Considering your dog’s wellbeing in each situation and surroundings
- Using preventative measures to help avoid many summer dangers
Before you go, please remember to share our safety guide on social media to help other dog owners like you.