CPD Events

Nursing CPD course with Melanie Lean – DVM BSc (Hons) MSc MRCVS & Lynn Irving – RVN REVN Dip AVN (Equine) BSc Hons Clinical Veterinary Nursing.

Thursday 28 October 2021

Venue: Towcester Equine Vets

Time: 10am – 5pm

Course fee: £75 – payment required to reserve place.

Please email reception@towcesterequine.co.uk, with the subject line ‘Nurse CPD registration’ and include your name, job title, and practice details. Alternatively please call 01327 811007.



Farrier CPD evening with Dr Simon Curtis – FWCF BSc (Hons) HonAssocRCVS & Melanie Lean – DVM BSc (Hons) MSc MRCVS

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Venue: The Saracens Head Hotel, Towcester

Time: 7pm

Course fee: The practice is covering the majority of costs for the evening, but would kindly ask for a contribution of £18 inc. VAT (per person, paid in advance) towards the meal.

At the time of booking please choose one of the following: cod and chips, burger with cheddar and bacon, Hunter’s chicken, beef & ale or mushroom & ale pie (VE).

Places must be pre-booked (including meal payment). Please email reception@towcesterequine.co.uk, with the subject line ‘Farrier CPD evening’ and include your name and contact details. Alternatively please call 01327 811007.


Download TVC Farriery CPD Pdf

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