Small Holdings

Our farm team are passionate about prioritising animal health and welfare on all units, from large, commercial farms through to hobby farmers and smallholdings. An increasing number of clients fall into the smallholding category, and we at Towcester Farm Vets strive to ensure that these smaller units have access to the same quality of care, service, and expertise as the bigger enterprises.

The team are happy to advise on all aspects of stock care and management and to help design protocols tailored to your animals which may include details of worming, vaccinations, and biosecurity best practice.

Contact our Farm Team

We also offer clients the chance to attend our client meetings*, a series of educational presentations about topics which may affect your animals. These are free and light refreshments are provided.

See our upcoming events.

To find out more about our smallholding service contact the clinic on 01327 350239.

To find out about the latest offers, events, and to receive our seasonal newsletter, please join our mailing list.


*NB client meetings will resume once COVID restrictions are further eased (2021)

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