
We have the facilities to be able to carry out endoscopic evaluation in order to investigate a variety of conditions. The procedure involves using a flexible tube with a medical camera on the end to visualise the oesophagus, stomach, nose, pharynx, and airways of cats and dogs.

This procedure is always completed under general anaesthetic so your pet will need to be admitted to our surgery on the morning of the procedure. Our Clinical Director Dr Jen Calder oversees a lot of the endoscopy caseload. Please speak to a member of our team for full details.

Contact us for more information


Common reasons for endoscopic investigation of your pet:

  • Visualising the stomach for causes of bleeding and possible obstruction
  • Looking for foreign bodies in the nose and pharynx
  • Visualising airways for causes of coughing
  • Performing broncho-alveolar lavage to look for infection, inflammation or evidence of cancer
  • Taking biopsies of the above areas for further diagnostic testing

We accept 2nd opinion and surgical referral endoscopy cases and to discuss a case further with Dr. Jen Calder, please contact the clinic on 01327 350239.


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